PayPal: Visa, MC, Discover, Amex Use your credit card, debit card - or bank account! |
As soon as PayPal notifies us of payment - or you give us a start-date. When you pay for your package in your shopping cart online, your order will be automatically processed through the nation's largest online payment processor: PayPal. So you never have to worry about paying for ad packages at If you wish to pay us directly from your PayPal balance, just use as the email address you pay directly to. Please make sure you add a note with the payment and tell us what you're paying for. Or send us a seperate email to with full details after you've made the PayPal funds transfer. ![]()
Why advertise with | is quite literally unique in the sports service industry.
For instance, we have the most traffic for any single-handicapper site on the entire Internet.
And the Yahoo Directory has us as the 5th-most popular website (see the proof below) in their
Sports Gambling: Handicapping category, with the 4 sites above us cranking out the plays of mega-teams
of handicappers - and anecdotally, (as we obviously know people in this industry) creating
very little brand- or site-loyalty in the process.
There are thousands of sports services who would love to be in our position. clients come to our site for the long-term winning experience of basports - and stay longer than any sports service in existence,
with many clients renewing - not for days - but ultimately decades.
In an industry where sites that can be compared to ours in intent and in content, virtually
all are cookie-cutter info providers who sell the sports picks of a plethora of handicappers,
most of whom lose those prognostications and thereby do not engender return visits.
Basports features several hundred pages of useful content and the handicapping prowess
of one person: Bob Akmens.
If you're not aware of why that's a good thing, read this:
Parade Magazine - the Sunday supplement in most major U.S. newspapers - has the largest
circulation (32 million) and the largest readership (71 million) of any publication on earth.
Bob Akmens was featured in Parade's 2010 "What People Earn" issue - great publicity for READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE.
Our result metrics are unlike anything else in this business: an average sale of about $955.
Our worldwide clientele in over 50 countries is clearly upscale - and very willing to pay for a quality product.
This, again, in a business where a one-shot, ten-buck sale is commonplace.
People come to because they're confident they'll win long-term.
So, while we may not have the traffic of some sports handicapping websites, we catch the
most important big-fish. notes about
The site's visitors view 10.7 unique pages each day on average.
This site is located in the US, and the site is relatively popular among users in the city of New York
(where it is ranked #4,130).
#4130 out of the millions of sites New Yorkers surf? Alexa uses an MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) in measuring site-impact
in a given area. And the NYC MSA comprises about 20,000,000 people these days - 1 out of every 15 Americans.
We'll take that #4130 rank, given our conversion rate.
This page deals with Tier-1 ad placements on our exclusive Home Page.
For Tier 2-3-4 ads, on our other pages, please go here.
What ads we'll accept |
All ads must be non-competitive with us (no sellers of sports picks). And we reserve the right of refusal to run any given ad. |
Creative size |
You'll have your choice of a 300x250 banner location top-left or top-right, and maximally, you'd rotate with 1 of 2 sports books we feature.
Who hosts my ad? | Your choice. We can host it or you can host it. | ||||||||
Do you have PPC (Pay-Per-Click)? Or a flat monthly fee? |
We offer a flat monthly-fee which varies with your ad package. No PPC-plans are offered. Our minimum package is 3 months. We also offer a 6-month and 12-month package. All packages must be prepaid via PayPal. If, for example, you were advertising a luxury automobile and sold one a year to a client of ours who may think nothing of betting $1000, $5000, or much more on a single bet, you'd cover your annual ad rate quite quickly. People do not come to seeking freebies. They come to spend money - and win money. Having been in this business for 33+ years, I'll match the demographics - and disposable income - of our clientele with any sports-related site on earth. All ad packages on this page are Tier-1, on our Home Page. For other ad packages, Tier 2 through Tier 4, please go here for a full description. |
3-Month Home Page Ad Package |
Our 3-month Home Page ad package is priced at $950 per month, with a one-time payment of $2850. This is our Tier-1 pricing for maximum exposure.
6-Month Home Page Ad Package |
Our 6-month Home Page ad package is priced at $750 per month, with a one-time payment of $4200. This is our Tier-1 pricing for maximum exposure.
12-Month Home Page Ad Package |
Our 12-month Home Page ad package is priced at $650 per month, with a one-time payment of $7200. This is our Tier-1 pricing for maximum exposure.
PLEASE NOTE: For our other ad packages on every site page other than the Home Page, Tier 2 through Tier 4, please go here for a full description.